Friday, November 30, 2007

Go Julia!

I couldn’t believe it when I saw the news this morning. Julia Roberts chased down a Paparazzi forcing him to pull over. He was trying to get a video of her at her children’s school, but she reminded him there are other children present.

I don’t know my laws all that well and instead of researching this particular one when I should be working on my synopsis, I’ll simply state this. As a teacher, I wasn’t allowed to take pictures or video of the children for ANY reason unless I had written permission from their parent or guardian. Are the Paparazzi excluded from this rule? Shouldn’t they take into consideration the privacy of children (whether they are a celebrity’s kid or not)? Oh, they should and most of them are probably aware of it, but they simply don’t care. All they think about is getting that fat paycheck. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m tired of hearing stories of how these people continually cross the line. Something should be done to make them accountable for their actions. After all, celebrities are people too. Maybe they can expect to lose some privacy because of their status, but enough is enough.

And… Since you asked… The synopsis writing is kind of dragging a bit. I started out trying to follow a couple of different “formulas” for this thing. Not workout too good. So, today, I’m going to try a different approach. I will take my little index cards (thank God I used them) and jot down the major plot information. It’ll be a little choppy at first, but I can smooth that out later. Let’s get some words down first. Otherwise, the whole thing seems soooooo overwhelming. Tips anyone?


  1. The paparazzi DO cross the line quite often. They are paid ungodly amounts for their photos.

    Under current laws, I can legally take a photo of you, in your house, naked, if I can see you through your window while I'm standing on a public sidewalk outside your house. Sidewalks are public. Streets are public. Your driveway is private. Businesses are private property. If the paparazzi was standing on a public sidewalk while photographing the children on private property, (a private school is private property, a public school is not) it's legal. And once I have that photo, it's mine. I don't have to have your permission to use it however I want to use it, as long as I was on public property when I took the photo.

    The laws are pretty lenient regarding photographs but some states are starting to crack down on the use of the "super telephotos" which could start restricting some of the more aggressive 'razzis.

    I've tried using the index cards to organize thoughts for never works for me. I find that if I free write my ideas (usually with my eyes closed and fingers flying), then print the freewriting out, cut up the pertinent info into little strips and re-arrange them on another sheet of paper, I can get my ideas under control. Otherwise, my head is just one big jumbled mess!

  2. LOL I outline it to death on the puter and then copy it to index cards because it's easier to move scenes around that way. In this novel, it came in handy because I added another POV. I used to write off the top of my head, but then I rambled. This way, I can see where I'm supposed to be at all times. If the characters decide to change things around, I'm open to it though.

  3. When you look through each scene, try to find the "point of no return". That's when something happens that the characters can't back out of. It might be a choice, an decisive action or a verbal revelation.

    Those moments form the spine of your plot, so they're often the best things to base your synopsis around. Good luck with it!

  4. Good for Julia! It's ridiculous the way celebrities are hounded, especially when they are with their family or at home.

    I'm a former teacher and you're right. We always needed permission before any photos were taken, especially ones that may be posted somewhere.

    The only synopsis I've written was for a contest I entered this year. I used examples from other writers (Deborah Hale is one who has lots of good writing tips on her website)and then tailored mine to fit my story.

    Anyway, good luck with it. LOL There's a reason they call it the 'dreaded synopsis'!

  5. Kudos to Julia, but unfortunately the laws, as Jenn stated, are nuts. I sure as heck don't want some stranger standing on the sidewalk outside my kids' school snapping photos!

    In a not so unrelated news blurb, Britney Spears's new driver (at least she thought to get one, or her lawyers did) quit because of the liability of the paparazzi mobbing the car. Could you imagine trying to maneuver through those sharks? No thank you.

    As for your synopsis question, and I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, I start with basic plot points of the story and which characters are key. Then I go back and fill in motivations and such to give the characters some depth. THEN I send it off to a couple of good friends who are authors and they tell me where I screwed up : )

  6. Lynette, thanks for visiting my blog. I can not believe the gall of some papparazzi.

    Sorry about the synopsis work, I hate them too.
