Monday, May 18, 2009

Win a Website Design

Query Tracker is celebrating their 2 year anniversary. As a result, they're having several contests running May 18-June 5. If you're interested, hop over to their site for more details.

If you want a chance at winning a website design by Purple Squirrel Web Design, you have to check out Mindless Musings and look for this post. There's a little secret you must know if you want to win... Also posting a blurb like this on your blog with the cute, little carnival design gives you an extra entry. Good luck!

While we're on the subject... Any thoughts on whether you'd design your own website of have it done for you? Thanks to this contest, I had a chance to check out Purple Squirrel Web Design. I'd never heard of them before. These guys charge between $400-$700 for an average author's site. That's better than what I've seen and their work looks great, too. What do you think?


  1. I am technologically disadvantaged, so I will most definitely be having someone else do the creating work. They do look very good. I like how they can also make your blog have the same theme as the website.

  2. Fortunately my husband does Web Design :)He has designed my blog and is currently working on my website (which I am IN LOVE WITH!!!)I must say $400 to $700 is VERY inexpensive. If you like their work,it wouldn't be a bad way to go.

  3. I plan on making my own just before I begin querying and then, if I get a book deal, I'll probably have one professionally designed when I have my book cover and decide what kind of brand I want to present with my site.

  4. Interesting idea for a contest. I must check it out. My husband did a great job on creating my page with what he had to work with but I wouldn't mind spiffing it up a bit.

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  5. Someday when I'm actually making $$ off of this writing thing, I'll hire someone to do my webdesign most likely (or I have do have a few computer/website geeks in my family that I can mooch off of...)

    BUT for now, I did my own. It needs SO much work and is really just THERE so I can say I have one. My B-I-L is a website dude and has his own server so hosts it for me for free. It works for me at the moment, and as I get time I'll play around and make it look better. I'm proud that I did what I did by myself at the moment!

  6. I would love to have someone design it for me so I could write more...

  7. If I designed one myself and given it could actually appear on the Net, it would probably look like bad stick figures on crack.

  8. I'd like to think I would design it myself. But the reality is I'd have to get it done for me.

  9. Thanks for your comments. Angie, you crack me up (as usual). I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. Maybe I'll win the grand prize and not have to make a decision. ;) Hey, I can dream, can't I?

    Lynnette Labelle
