Friday, October 23, 2009

Fun Friday

Thanks for all the warm wishes. I'm still sick, but just because I'm feeling under weather, doesn't mean you can't have some fun. It is FUN FRIDAY after all. Here's your puzzle... I'm so dreaming of being there right now...

Have a great weekend!


  1. I'm stirring up more virtual chicken soup for you! Hope you are healthy for the weekend.

  2. Smack on average. Continue to get better, and try to have a good weekend.

  3. Miserable to be under the weather. Hope you make a speedy recovery!

  4. Hope you get to feeling better soon! I could use a piece of that warm, sunny island myself!

  5. So sorry you're sick! There seems to be a bunch of creep and crud going around. Hope your feeling better soon!

  6. Thanks again for all the well wishes. I'm still sick, but on the mend. Hope you guys are all healthy and happy.

    Lynnette Labelle
